Aerial view of Entrance Point, Broome 2019. Source: Lotterywest

Community Survey

Participate in the community survey and have a say in the Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan.
Your input is important!

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The Dinosaur Coast, Broome - flying over North Reddell beach

Welcome to

The Dinosaur Coast

Glimpse Australia’s dinosaur fauna during the first part of the Lower Cretaceous Epoch of the Mesozoic Period 140 to 127 million years ago.

Community Survey

Participate in the community survey and have a say in the
Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan.
Your input is important!

Participate in survey

Explore the Dinosaur Coast

Australia’s Dinosaur Coast is in the Kimberley region in the north of Western Australia and is National Heritage-listed. You can walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs on spectacular beaches.

For thousands of years, dinosaur tracks have been part of the cultural heritage of the Aboriginal people of the Dampier Peninsula and greater west Kimberley. Scientifically, the Dinosaur Coast has been described as “the Cretaceous equivalent of the Serengeti”Dr Steve Salisbury.

The Cretaceous equivalent of the Serengeti.

Dr Steve Salisbury.

Want to see a footprint?

Visit the Dinosaur Coast Track Guide to discover the beaches where dinosaur trackways are located along the Broome coastline.

Can’t get to the beach?

If the tides not right, visit the Broome Museum and enjoy the air-conditioned display.

Kids exploring dinosaur footprints in Broome