Aerial view of Entrance Point, Broome 2019. Source: Lotterywest

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Home » Dinosaur Coast Community Festival: Engaging with Dinosaurs

Dinosaur Coast Community Festival: Engaging with Dinosaurs

About the Project

We hope this fun filled educative celebration of our dinosaur tracks and trackmakers can help provide another pathway for the Broome community to repair and rebuild from the continuing COVID-19 impacts. Running from July 2021 to June 2022 there’ll be a range of healthy outdoor activities for dinosaur enthusiasts of all ages

DCMG volunteers in partnership with community-based arts, educational, environment and history groups are working hard to produce a range of inspiring events, activities and presentations. 

We take great pride in the Broome dinosaur tracks story and have a sense of wonderment about the country on which we live. This festival is a great way to share this with others.

The Dinosaur Coast Management Group have a packed agenda of festival events – supported by Lotterywest.

Dinosaur Coast Festival – Dinosaur Coast Community Festival: Engaging with Dinosaurs

Presented by Lotterywest

A Broome dinosaur track themed festival of family activities.  Working with community, DCMG volunteers and in partnership with community-based arts, educational, environment and history groups to produce a range of events activities and presentations. Including:

  • Children puppet making workshops.
  • Dinosaur puppet events and performances.
  • Broome Historical Museum Dinosaur display open day.
  • Palaeontologist presentations in the field.
  • Dinosaurs at the Courthouse market, activities, information and fun for the whole family.

Connecting with Schools

Supported by Lotterywest

Now is the time to establish a stronger connection with the Broome schools through in-school visits and field excursions (school excursions currently unavailable).

Providing age-appropriate activities that extend the scientific and cultural understanding of the Dinosaur Coast tracks and excite children’s imagination and interest. 

School Holidays Dinosaur Immersion

Supported by Lotterywest

Our popular school holiday programs are to be expanded. They will include fun and science-based activities for a variety of age groups. 

Session times will be announced closer to the days, so stay tuned in.

Walk with a Palaeontologist

Supported by Lotterywest

Go tracking with a Palaeontologist and learn more scientific facts about the Broome Sandstone, the different tracks and what the dinosaurs were doing 130 million years ago. 

In 2017 when we first ran these they were oversubscribed. We hope to schedule the walks towards the end of September 2021. Event announcements will go out by facebook and will be posted on our News page.

Dinosaur Coast Regional and Remote Community Roadshow

Supported by Lotterywest

The dinosaur tracks extend well beyond the Broome town boundaries.

We propose to hold workshops and information sessions with the remote Aboriginal Communities and Ranger Groups and extend the promotion and protection of the Dinosaur Coast tracks. 

Project Updates

We’ll keep you up-to-date with what is happening with this project by posting here.

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