On Friday the 1st october the Dinosaur Coast and the Broome Museum opened the dinosaur display and museum grounds to an excited and appreciative public.
We can now, with the assistance of a Steering Group of key stakeholders, prepare a Management Plan for the National Heritage listed dinosaur tracks located on the coastline of Yawuru country.
2020 saw the Dinosaur Coast Management Group team up with Theater Kimberley to produce the Broome spectacular 'Worn Art' featuring paleoartist, Damir G. Martin.
Thanks to the Lions Club Broome and the Water Corporation we have been able to pay all our insurance costs in what has been a financially stressful year.
We have put together some home-schooling dinosaur track activities for Kindy to P 5 children and would like some feedback about what works and what does not before finalising them.
The name of this track honours Louise Middleton, for her lifelong passion for the discovery, documentation, and conservation of dinosaur tracks in the Broome Sandstone.