Aerial view of Entrance Point, Broome 2019. Source: Lotterywest

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Engaging with Dinosaurs

Thanks to support from Lotterywest, the Dinosaur Coast Management Group is proud to present Engaging with Dinosaurs and the Dinosaur Festival

They’re back! After 130-million-years, dinosaurs will again run amok on the streets of Broome.

Thanks to support from Lotterywest, the Dinosaur Coast Management Group is proud to present Engaging with Dinosaurs; a 12-month program of family fun and educational activities around Broome and the Dampier Peninsula.

Lotterywest CEO Susan Hunt PSM said: a grant of more than $264,000 is helping reconnect the community through environmental and educational activities.

“Lotterywest’s COVID-19 Relief Fund is supporting Dinosaur Coast Management to share the amazing natural history of our Kimberley coast, thanks to the dedicated volunteers who have brought this project life,” Ms Hunt said.

“We’re proud to be working together to create opportunities for thousands of people within the Kimberley community, including volunteers, through a free event and science-based education programs.”

Kimberley MLA, Divina D’Anna said: “It is wonderful to support the Engaging with Dinosaurs program, which will be full of exciting activities that support the sharing and education of our special coasts natural history with both old and young”.

“I look forward to following the activities of the Dinosaur Coast Management team closely, it’s groups like this in the Kimberley that make our region so unique”.

DCMG Chair, Micklo Corpus said, “We have been working hard to put this program together. Our hope is that everyone, locals and visitors alike, can have a good time learning about and celebrating our National Heritage-listed dinosaur tracks”.

A Dinosaur Festival will kick things off. There’ll be information stalls, guided tours of the dinosaur display at the Museum, dinosaur puppet-making workshops for kids, as well as several exciting – and terrifying – encounters with dinosaurs at the Shinju Matsuri celebrations.

Later in the year the focus moves to strengthening connections with schools in town, introducing dinosaur activities and excursions (school excursions are currently unavailable) that extend the scientific understanding of the tracks across a range of age-groups and curricula. There’ll also be a number of school holiday immersion programs for interested children to learn more about the science of the dinosaur tracks.

For our keen budding dinosaur enthusiasts, of all ages, there will be a free opportunity to walk with a Paleontologist and/or listen to a public presentation about the dinosaur tracks.

Something everyone in the Engaging with Dinosaurs team is looking forward to is a regional and remote community roadshow. The team hopes to visit communities along the length of the Dampier Peninsula and south of Broome, to find out how they would like to explore and celebrate the Dinosaur Coast tracks.

To keep in touch with the latest event dates as they become available, visit and like @dinosaurcoast on Facebook.

Also visit Divina D’Anna – Member for Kimberley page for more media on our launch[0]=AZX3NRCBVNlciznE3fRPMFGJqoGIsjcB_sXRpERjL1eAs0mn7GVX7rEFMg66NQQ8fDKwI-emfKgjdSoArfgijVDrPxbF_HX9Sz-fB_nRfjbnJ-H7G7Wn6YdNfe9y4MqTvhNM1s8uK-4jAa69zqpAkcFw&tn=EH-R

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