Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan – Community Survey
The Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan sets out how First Nations people and key land managers in Broome will work together to protect, preserve, and celebrate Australia’s richest and most diverse collection of dinosaur footprints – home to the largest footprints in the world!
The coastline around Broome is rich in ichnofossils, otherwise known as ‘trace fossils’; rocks showing the traces or imprints of animals and plants that lived here 130 million years ago but left no physical remains.
The tracks and ichnofossils are included in the West Kimberley National Heritage Place.
With increasing development and growing numbers of visitors the coastline around Broome is particularly vulnerable. The management plan provides a framework on how to protect and promote the dinosaur tracks and create opportunities for the Broome community.
Responsibility for the delivery of the management plan (Implementation Plan) resides with the Dinosaur Coast Management Reference Group which will meet annually to report on delivery of their responsibilities.
Objectives of the Management Plan
Your input is important!
We need your feedback on the Dinosaur Coast National Heritage Management Plan. This plan will provide a framework for the protection and promotion of the most extensive and diverse collection of dinosaur footprints in Australia.